
Parish land purchase should improve Bordeaux boat lay-up

Fri 26 Apr 2024

An area of land at Bordeaux traditionally used for locals to lay up their boats over winter has been bought by the Vale Parish to protect it for the future.

The purchase, for £32,500, has been under discussion with the owner for a number of years while legal issues were resolved and the deal has now been approved by the Royal Court.

Senior Constable Richard Leale said he was delighted that it had finally been possible to complete the purchase as it ensured that an important part of the Bordeaux landscape would be preserved for the future.

The entire area, on the landward side of Castle Road, is about 85m long and 20m wide and is traditionally used for people with moorings in Bordeaux harbour to lay up boats over the winter months.

Business as usual
News of the acquisition was given by Mr Leale to the Bordeaux Moorings Committee on the basis of it being very much "business as usual".

Mr Leale said: "The moorings committee will continue to oversee the lay up of boats and the keys for the boat store (which also formed part of the purchase) remain under the control of the same person. While the douzaine is not looking to make money out of this, there will be an increase in the lay up fee and the boat store key."

Mr Leale said it was generally recognised that fees were very low and had not kept pace with inflation over the years.

"This money will be ring fenced and used for the benefit of those with moorings at Bordeaux," he said. "Once the boats are re-launched this season it is intended to level the area and tidy it all up, which should increase the lay up area."

The Constables are also looking to install water and electricity at the boat store, which will make it even more of an amenity.

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